All amounts are US Dollar.
Tell us about your course or program. What other products and services you offer?
Be as descriptive as you possibly can.
What are your Top 5 Goals for your LMS website?
It's helpful to set SMART goals as it keeps all of us on the same page and moving in the same direction. IE: Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.
With this in mind, what are the top 5 business needs of your new website?
- Deliver general online training
- Deliver CEU accredited training
- Create a certification program
- Provide a forum area for student interaction
- Webinar/coaching call replay archive
- Resource listings
- Whitelabeled or branded sub-sites for individual clients or organizations
- etc.
Tell us what you like and dislike about it.
Who else is competing for the attention of your ideal customer and what are they doing that you think is working?